Subject Information


Food & Nutrition


The aim of Food and Nutrition is to instil a love of cooking and creating healthy, nutritious food. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life. This will also open doors to a wide range of future career opportunities.

This Food and Nutrition curriculum at Twickenham School aims to ensure that students are taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating in order to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle now and in the future. It is studied by all students in Year 7 to 9. Students can choose to study the subject further in Year 10 and 11 as one of their GCSE options through either GCSE Food and Nutrition or Vocational Level 2 Hospitality and Catering Award.

Theoretical knowledge is engrained through practical activities and experimentation. Students are encouraged to be imaginative, and take risks. Lessons are taught in a well-equipped, specialist classroom.

Implementation - curriculum sequence

Year Autumn HT1 Autumn HT2 Spring HT1 Spring HT2 Summer HT1 Summer HT2

Health & safety & practical skills

Nutrition & practical skills

Nutrition & practical skills

Food safety & practical skills

Food safety & practical skills

Food safety & practical skills


Food provenance & practical skills

Food provenance & practical skills

Food provenance & practical skills

Food science & practical skills

Food science & practical skills

Food science & practical skills


Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance

Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance

Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance

Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance

Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance

Carousel: nutrition, food science, food choice, food safety, food provenance


Health and safety

Eat well guide

Making informed food choices


Practical skills

Planning meals for specific groups

Energy needs

Nutritional analysis

Functional & Chemical properties of food

Raising agents

Micro-organisms and enzymes

Food spoilage Bacterial contamination

Buying and storing food

Practical skills

Preparing, cooking and serving food 

Factors influencing food choice - religion and culture

Food labelling and marketing influences

Traditional cuisines and research task

Sensory evaluations

Food sources

Food and the environment

NEA 1 practice Food investigation - understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients


Practical investigations into the properties and characteristics of food

NEA 2 practice

Food preparation assessment 

Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes Planning in advance how this will be achieved


NEA Task 1 – task analysis and research planning

Mock Revision

Research planning

Mock 1

NEA Task 1 research experiments

Research summary

Research hypothesis

Testing hypothesis and write up

NEA 2 Task selection

Task analysis

Research life stage/dietary group

Summarise research

Select and justify dishes

NEA 2 Coursework

Make 3 or 4 dishes to demonstrate technical skills

Analyse technical skills

Select final dishes

Complete final three dishes

Complete evaluation


Exam techniques


The Food & Nutrition department follows the AQA specification, which can be found here:

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