
Liability for Personal Property brought into Twickenham School

In accordance with the policies set forth by the trust, the school and relevant legal statutes, this statement addresses the liability of the school concerning personal property brought onto the school premises by students, parents, staff or visitors to the school.

Personal Property

Parents and students are advised that any personal property, including but not limited to bicycles, mobile phones, jewellery, and other valuable items, brought onto the school site is done so at the student’s own risk. The school does not accept liability for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal property under any circumstances.

Precautions and Recommendations:

  • Students are encouraged to avoid bringing valuable items to school unless absolutely necessary.
  • If bringing valuable items is unavoidable, students should ensure that these items are securely stored. For example, bicycles should be locked in designated bike racks, and electronic devices should be kept on their person or securely locked away when not in use.
  • The school provides limited secure storage options, such as lockers, for student use. However, the use of these facilities is at the student’s own risk, and the school does not guarantee the safety of items stored within them.

Confiscation Procedures:

In cases where valuable items are confiscated by staff as a disciplinary measure, the school’s responsibility is limited to ensuring that such confiscations are lawful and reasonable steps were taken to secure the items. 

Liability for Items:

It is essential for both students and parents to understand that the school will not be held responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property that occurs on school grounds, unless such property was lawfully confiscated under the conditions specified by Section 94 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. In such cases, the school's liability is limited as per the guidelines of the Act.

Publication and Awareness:

The school will regularly inform students and parents about the risks of bringing personal property onto the school site through the website, and periodic reminders. By bringing personal property onto the school site, students and parents acknowledge and accept this policy and the associated risks.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in helping to maintain a safe and secure school environment.

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