School priorities 2024-27

Twickenham School strategic intent

To ensure we are a school of excellence, improving the life chances of all our students by delivering the highest standard and quality of education whilst creating a culture of care and support.

Our Curriculum supports our motto: Aspire, Achieve, Enjoy. A culture of high expectations for all which cultivates a love of learning and ambition for success. We create and empower successful lifelong learners who believe they can achieve, whilst building their cultural capital; inspiring and enabling them to make a lasting and positive contribution to future societies worldwide.

How do we do this?

Twickenham School reviews and updates its key priorities within its wider school development plan. Our key priorities for the 2024 - 2027 academic years are:

1. Curriculum 

Promote a culture of active learning1 through quality first teaching2, and deliver an ambitious, inclusive and transparent curriculum to ensure all students make exceptional progress and become aspirational, confident & successful learners. 

2. Belonging 

Cultivate an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted, building and encouraging a sense of belonging among all our stakeholders, and celebrating diversity. 

3. Leadership at all levels 

Nurture leadership at all levels, encouraging every community member to contribute to the school's success and developing leadership skills in students and staff to drive positive change. 

4. Raising Aspiration 

Foster a culture of high ambition by enhancing our careers education, advice, and guidance, ensuring personalised support for every student to explore and achieve their career goals. By strengthening both local and national partnerships, we'll help students expand their horizons, unlock their potential, and confidently pursue diverse and rewarding career paths. 

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